Quick Reference — To run a Quality Management report
- Display the Quality Management Reporting page: On the Main Menu, click Quality. Under REPORTS, click Quality Management.
Select programs and measures
- Programs and measures — Select the programs and measures to report on. You can filter the list of programs and measures using the text box.
If you select more than one measure, the report results include providers who are enrolled in any one of those measures (not only providers who are enrolled in all selected measures).
Note: To run a report on archived data, select the Show archived option below the list of programs and measures.
Select departments and providers
- Departments — When you select a department, all providers who have ever seen patients in that department are automatically selected in the Providers list, even if the providers have not seen patients in the selected departments during the current program year.
Note: If you manually deselect one of these providers in the Providers list, athenaOne deselects the department in the Departments list. - Only include patients with an encounter in the selected department(s) —
Because providers can see patients in multiple departments, you can use this option to include only patients who have had an encounter in the departments selected in the Departments field.
- Select the Only include patients with an encounter in the selected department(s) option to include in the report only those patients ever seen in the selected departments.
Important: Any patient who had an encounter with any provider in the selected departments in any year — not only during the current program year — is included in the report. - If you do not select the Only include patients with an encounter in the selected department(s) option, any patient who is attributed to a selected provider is included in the report results.
- Select the Only include patients with an encounter in the selected department(s) option to include in the report only those patients ever seen in the selected departments.
- Providers — Select the providers to include in the report. By default, all provider usernames are displayed. You can select the Specialty or TIN option to select providers from those categories (click the plus (+) icon to display the list of providers under a specialty or TIN).
You can also filter the list of providers by provider name using the text box. - Exclude measures with zero patients — Select this option to exclude measures with zero patients from the report, even if a provider is enrolled in that measure. This option is selected by default.
- Exclude inactive patients — Select this option to exclude inactive patients from the report results and any exported .csv files (you mark a patient as inactive using the Status menu on the patient Quickview).
Note: In accordance with CMS and other quality program sponsors, inactive patients are included in athenahealth certified eCQMs and in quality program submission data.
Select patient demographic information
If you do not see the following fields, click Show patient filters (to the right of the Export Report button).
- Sex — Select Female or Male to include only female or male patients in the report.
- Age range — Specify an age range to include only patients in that age range in the report.
- Race — Select a race to include only patients of that race in the report.
- Ethnicity — Select one or more ethnicities to include only patients of those ethnicities in the report. Click the plus icon to add another ethnicity.
- Language — Select a language to include only patients with that language in the report.
Select diagnoses
- Diagnoses — Select one or more diagnoses to filter the report based on a patient's problem list. Click the plus icon to add another diagnosis.
Note: If you select more than one diagnosis, the report includes a list of patients who have one or more of the selected diagnoses (not only patients who have all the selected diagnoses).
Select insurance information
- Insurance category — To filter the report for patients with specific insurance categories, click Selected and select the categories from the list.
- Insurance product type — To filter the report for patients with specific insurance product types, click Selected and then select the types from the list.
Save the report filters and run the report
- To save your selected filters for future reports:
- In the Saved Selections text box at the top right of the page, enter a unique name for the saved report filters.
- Click the Save button.
- Click Run Report. Report results appear under the Report Summaries heading.
This action saves the filter selections, not the report data. The new linked report name appears below the Saved Selections text box. You see only the saved selections that you created. athenahealth recommends that you save a report before running it.
Print or export the report results
- By default, the results are grouped by program name. You can toggle between Group by Program and Group by Provider.
- To print the report summary as it appears on your screen, click Print report summary (next to the Report Summaries heading).
Note: From the print summary view, you can also save the summary. - To export the measure totals to a .csv file, click Export Measure Totals to CSV (below the Report Summaries heading).
This report generates provider-level data for measure status and denominator and numerator totals. You can use this report for internal benchmarking and for benchmarking against external targets. - To export the full report to a .csv file, click Export full report to CSV (below the Report Summaries heading).
This report generates patient-level data for all measures for the selected providers. You can use this report for population management and to support care managers working with large patient populations. - To view information about specific patients included in the report for a measure, click a linked number in the Satisfied, Not Satisfied, or Total column.
The report expands to display patient details for the selected measure. - To print all patient information, click the Print report link.
- To export all patient information to a .csv file, click the Export to CSV link.
- To change the report criteria and re-run the report, click Change report criteria at the top of the page.