EFT Deposit Type
An EFT Deposit record represents an electronic funds transfer (EFT) deposit created in an athenaMailbox client's account, without matching claim level detail ERA or EOB for posting. This record is created to ensure that deposit batches have been created to represent an accurate bank ledger and enable full reconciliation. If matching remittance (ERA or EOB) is received, it will be posted.
If the remittance record is assigned to athenahealth, athenahealth will follow up with the payer and attempt to match the payment. You do not need to work this remittance record at this time. We are working to resolve it for you.
If the remittance record is assigned to the practice, please review and take appropriate action. Open the remittance record and review the EFT information, typically provided in the remittance record notes.
Use the resources you have with the payer to obtain the missing remittance information. Provide the remittance information you obtain to athenahealth by uploading it to the remittance record using the Upload missing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) option or the Upload missing EOB (paper) option.
Although you can use a paper BYOLB template to submit your remittance manually, athenahealth strongly recommends that you upload the missing ERA or EOB directly to the remittance record, using the Upload missing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) option or the Upload missing EOB (paper) option.
If you must forward the remittance using a $0 BYOLB template, please note the relevant remittance record number in Section III of the BYOLB template.
Locate the remittance required unpostable category in the Unpostables Dashboard. You can pause your cursor over a category to display a pop-up list of all the unpostable types included in that category.
In that category row, under the Record column or Amount column, click the linked number of records or dollar amount. The Manage Remittance page appears, where you can click the Review Missing Remittance tab to work the records.
The Review Missing Remittance tab allows you to review and resolve Check Deposit and EFT Deposit records — that is, situations where we have a payment but require a matching ERA or EOB in order to post.
When you filter the records to include only those that require action by you (the Responsibility filter is set to "Practice"), the information is summarized and organized by these workflows:
- Remittance Required — Records for which we require your assistance in obtaining matching remittance.
- Non-athena Review — Records that you need to review to confirm that the received payments are for non-athenaOne claims.
- Web Portal Access — Records for which you need to provide us with Web portal credentials (or update existing credentials), so that we can obtain the remittance.
In contrast, when you filter the records to include only those that require action by athenahealth (the Responsibility filter is set to "Athena"), the information is summarized and organized by these workflows:
- Initial Review — Records for which athenahealth is doing the initial review. This category also includes records in PEND status because we are waiting for matching remittance.
- ERA Requeue — Records for which athenahealth has requested an ERA file from a payer. This category also includes records in PEND status because we are waiting for a response from the payer or its intermediary.
- Web Portal Team — Records for which athenahealth must download remittance from the payer's Web portal. This category also includes records assigned to the Payersite team because Web portal access and/or a password reset is required.
- Payer Outreach — Records for which athenahealth must contact the payer by phone or fax to request remittance. This category also includes records in PEND status because we have requested remittance but have not yet received it.
A remittance record that has been assigned to your practice with Web Portal Access Not Available indicates that we received a payment with no remittance and need Web portal access (or updated access) to obtain remittance for posting.
When setting up an access account for athenahealth to use, please use the following information when creating a username and password for the relevant payer website:
- First Name: John
- Last Name: Sundar
Email: PayersiteXXXX@operations.athenahealth.com (replace XXXX with your context ID/practice ID/tablespace #).
Note: This email is for registration purposes only. Please do not send communications directly to this email address. - Phone: 470-237-1816
- Fax Number: 888-864-4377
- Address: 3 Hatley Rd., Belfast, ME 04915
- Date of Birth: 15/07/1987
- Preferred username: AthenaXXXX (XXXX = your client ID)
After you create access for athenahealth, please update the information in the outstanding payer portal task or email the login information to payersiteunpostables@athenahealth.com.
Please note that unpostables are not connected to payer portal tasks: submit your responses through email for impacted unpostable volume.
Include the URL of the Web portal when providing the login credentials, as well as your client ID, tax ID number, and the medical group/individual NPI associated with the credentials
Important: Please do not enter the login information in claim notes or in a remittance record.
After you provide us with the Web access (or update the existing Web access), please return the remittance record to athenahealth by using the event Web Portal Access Information Provided. athenahealth will then verify the credentials on the Web portal and will work to obtain the remittance for posting purposes.
A remittance record that has been assigned to your practice with Primary Portal Outage - Alternate Portal Access Needed indicates that we received a payment with no remittance and need Web portal access (or updated access) to obtain remittance for posting.
When setting up an access account for athenahealth to use, please use the following information when creating a username and password for the relevant payer website:
- First Name: John
- Last Name: Sundar
Email: PayersiteXXXX@operations.athenahealth.com (replace XXXX with your context ID/practice ID/tablespace #).
Note: This email is for registration purposes only. Please do not send communications directly to this email address. - Phone: 470-237-1816
- Fax Number: 888-864-4377
- Address: 3 Hatley Rd., Belfast, ME 04915
- Date of Birth: 15/07/1987
- Preferred username: AthenaXXXX (XXXX = your client ID)
After you create access for athenahealth, please update the information in the outstanding payer portal task or email the login information to payersiteunpostables@athenahealth.com.
Please note that unpostables are not connected to payer portal tasks: submit your responses through email for impacted unpostable volume.
Include the URL of the Web portal when providing the login credentials, as well as your client ID, tax ID number, and the medical group/individual NPI associated with the credentials
Important: Please do not enter the login information in claim notes or in a remittance record.
After you provide us with the Web access (or update the existing Web access), please return the remittance record to athenahealth by using the event Web Portal Access Information Provided. athenahealth will then verify the credentials on the Web portal and will work to obtain the remittance for posting purposes.
Note: If athenahealth needs more time to look for missing remittance delayed by payers, we disable the upload missing remittance functionality.
- Display the Manage Remittance page: On the Main
Menu, click Financials. Under PAYMENTS, click Remittance.
The Review Missing Remittance tab opens by default. - Click the Count number link in the Remittance Required, Non-athena Review, or Web Portal Access column to display records.
- Payer — Select the payers to include in the worklist.
- Click Generate Worklist.
The Unpostables Worklist appears in the Task Bar. - Click the down arrows to expand the categories.
- Click the appropriate record number link.
The Remittance Record appears in the Workspace. - If you plan to upload an EOB file, create an electronic (.pdf or .tif) version of the missing EOB.
- Under the Select an action to resolve or reassign record heading, select one of these options:
- Upload missing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA)
- Upload missing EOB (paper)
Remittance type is ERA
- Click Upload missing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA).
- Click Choose File.
- Locate the ERA file to upload, select it, and click Open.
Note: The file must be a valid ANSI 835 ERA file. ERA files can be zipped together and uploaded in bulk. Zip files must contain raw ERA files only. Do not zip together already zipped files. - Click Upload ERA.
- Click Submit.
Note: The ERA file that you uploaded is available on the Practice Files page. The file is also listed in the Remittance History on the Submit Remittance tab.
Remittance type is EOB (paper)
Before you upload any EOB to athenaOne, convert the EOBs to the .pdf or .tif format. If you plan to upload multiple EOBs, create one .pdf or .tif file that includes all the EOBs and includes a detailed deposit slip — that is, an itemized list of all checks in the batch with the total amount (as shown on the BYOLB Remittance Template).
Note: Including a deposit slip in the electronic file decreases the chance of errors during the posting process (manual touches are greatly reduced).
- Click Upload missing EOB (paper).
- Click Choose File to select the file that you created on your computer or network.
- Click Upload & Preview EOB.
The file opens in the preview window. You can navigate through pages, rotate, and zoom to review. - Review the check number/identifier and the check amount to ensure that the EOB matches the check or EFT information associated with the record.
- To avoid creating additional records, make sure that the EOB is complete and includes all claims associated with the payment.
- Click Submit EOB for Processing. If you selected the wrong file by mistake, click Cancel/Discard EOB to start over.
athenaOne creates a corrections payment batch and closes the remittance record.
The record history now includes two new notes, indicating that you uploaded the remittance (including a link to view the EOB) and the new correction payment batch (with a link to the payment batch).
Note: If athenahealth needs more time to look for missing remittance delayed by payers, we disable the upload missing remittance functionality.
Before you upload any EOB to athenaOne, convert the EOBs to the .pdf or .tif format. If you plan to upload multiple EOBs, create one .pdf or .tif file that includes all the EOBs and includes a detailed deposit slip — that is, an itemized list of all checks in the batch with the total amount (as shown on the BYOLB Remittance Template).
Note: Including a deposit slip in the electronic file decreases the chance of errors during the posting process (manual touches are greatly reduced).
- Display the Manage Remittance page: On the Main
Menu, click Financials. Under PAYMENTS, click Remittance.
The Review Missing Remittance tab opens by default. - Click the Count number link in the Remittance Required, Non-athena Review, or Web Portal Access column to display records.
- Payer — Select the payers to include in the worklist.
- Click Work Records.
A list of records appears. - Locate the record that you need in the list.
Tip: To view the record and verify that it is the correct record, click the link under the Record ID column. - Upload EOB column — Click Upload EOB.
- Click Choose File to select the file that you created on your computer or network.
- Click Upload & Preview EOB.
The file opens in the preview window. You can navigate through pages, rotate, and zoom to review. - Review the check number/identifier and the check amount to ensure that the EOB matches the check or EFT information associated with the record.
- To avoid creating additional records, make sure that the EOB is complete and includes all claims associated with the payment.
- Click Submit EOB for Processing. If you selected the wrong file by mistake, click Cancel/Discard EOB to start again.
athenaOne creates a corrections payment batch and closes the remittance record.
The record history now includes two new notes, indicating that you uploaded the remittance (including a link to view the EOB) and the new correction payment batch (with a link to the payment batch).
Although you can use a paper BYOLB template to submit your remittance manually, athenahealth strongly recommends that you upload the missing ERA or EOB directly to the remittance record, using the Upload missing Electronic Remittance Advice (ERA) option or the Upload missing EOB (paper) option.
If you must forward the remittance using a $0 BYOLB template, please note the relevant remittance record number in Section III of the BYOLB template.
- On the Success Community, select the BYOLB Remittance Template.
- At the bottom of the page, click Download.
- Fill out the template, following the directions in the BYOLB Template Procedures document.
- After you fill out the template, mail it with the documents to your athenaMailbox.