Manage Refunds
athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems
This page allows you to:
- Find and review insurance claims that may require a refund.
- Post refunds to charges.
- Group refund payment batches into deposit batches representing refund checks to be issued.
- Capture payee/send-refund-to information in the refund posting workflow.
- Associate check numbers with refunds after checks are issued.
On the Main Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds
You must have these permissions to access insurance refund-related pages:
- Billing Admin: Deposit/Payment Batches
- Billing Admin: Create Refund
Important: athenaOne cannot issue actual refund checks for you. You must generate the refund check from the relevant practice bank account checkbook or using another refund method that you manage within your practice. If you use athenaMailbox, in most cases, patient refunds issued with a Payment method type of Check can be issued from your local/TOS bank rather than U.S. Bank. A Cut Refund Check Remittance Record will be created for refunds using U.S. Bank.
You must use the Refund Checks In Process page for any "in process" refunds (refunds without check numbers) that you posted prior to Release 14.2. Only refunds posted after Release 14.2 appear on the Assign Check Numbers and View Refunds tabs of the Manage Refunds page.
The Manage Refunds page includes four tabs:
- Review Claims — Use this tab to review (in the same worklist, if desired) both overpaid claims and claims for which payers have requested refunds. This tab provides filtering and sorting capabilities that make it easier to find and work with claims.
- Batch Refunds — Use this tab to group insurance refunds that have been posted to claims into deposit batches that correspond to the checks that you plan to issue to payers.
Note: This tab shows only refund batches or batches that contain transactions of type "REFUND" that have not been tied to a deposit batch. - Assign Check Numbers — Use this tab to add check numbers to the refund deposit batches for both patient and insurance refunds after you issue the checks.
- View Refunds — Use this tab to review posted insurance refunds and the status of their claims and batches.
Note: This tab shows refunds in process. A voided refund is not considered to be "in process" and, therefore, does not appear on the View Refunds tab.
The insurance refund workflow begins when you identify a claim that requires a refund. You can use the Manage Refunds page to generate a list of claims that may need insurance refunds.
Use the Issue Insurance Refund page to post the refund. Behind the scenes, athenaOne opens (and closes) your refund payment batches automatically.
Reconcile these refund payment batches to deposit batches via the Batch Refunds tab of the Manage Refunds page. athenaOne automatically closes the deposit batches that you create using the Batch Refunds tab of the Manage Refunds page.
You can record payee information during the insurance refund posting process so that your practice's check writer or A/P department can easily find the payee to whom the refund check needs to be sent on the Assign Check Numbers tab of the Manage Refunds page.
You can also add new payees as follows:
- When you post a refund to a patient claim via the Issue Insurance Refund page.
- When you reconcile payment batches to deposit batches via the Batch Refunds tab of the Manage Refunds page.
- Directly from the Payee Addresses page.
Capturing payee address information is not required to complete the refund posting process. A payee address provides additional information to your practice's A/P department or check writer about where an insurance refund should be sent.
- You must use the Refund Checks In Process page for any "in process" refunds (refunds without check numbers) that you posted prior to Release 14.2; only refunds posted after Release 14.2 appear on the Assign Check Numbers tab of the Manage Refunds page.
- You can post patient refunds manually using the Issue Patient Refund page or in batches using the Patient Refund Policies page and the associated Patient Refund Worklist. However, patient refunds will appear on the Assign Check Numbers tab of the Manage Refunds page.
- Display the Manage Refunds page: On the Main
Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds.
The page opens to the Review Claims tab. - Use the filters to limit the claims returned, as necessary. You can also select the initial sort criteria from the Sort by menu.
- Click Search.
athenaOne displays the Insurance Refunds worklist in the Task Bar on the left. - You can change the sort criteria using the Sort by menu at the top of the Insurance Refunds worklist.
- To review a claim, click the linked claim ID.
The Claim Edit page appears, displaying the claim details.
Before posting an insurance refund to a claim in athenaOne, contact the applicable claim payers to determine the appropriate payee, the amount of the refund, and whether the payer will instead perform a takeback.
Important: athenaOne cannot issue actual refund checks for you. You must generate the refund check from the relevant practice bank account checkbook or using another refund method that you manage within your practice. If you use athenaMailbox, in most cases, patient refunds issued with a Payment method type of Check can be issued from your local/TOS bank rather than U.S. Bank. A Cut Refund Check Remittance Record will be created for refunds using U.S. Bank.
- Display the Issue Insurance Refund page: On the Patient Actions Bar, click Billing, and then click Issue Insurance Refund, or display the Issue Insurance Refund page via the Claim Edit page.
Note: If you display the Issue Insurance Refund page via the Claim Edit page, by default only the paid charges on the claim appear. If you display the page via the Patient Actions Bar, by default only overpaid charges on that patient's claims appear. - If the charge for which you need to issue a refund does not appear, use the filters at the top of the page to find the charge.
- Refund Amount — Enter the refund amount to issue for the charge. The refund amount cannot be greater than the amount of the payer's payment.
- Payee — You can select a payee for the refund. Begin typing in the Payee field to search existing payee addresses. Select an existing payee or select "Add new payee."
If you select "Add new payee," a pop-up box appears. Enter the payee name and address. The new payee is added to that payment row and also to your practice's list of payees for future use when refunding that payer.
Note: In rare cases, payers may request that you refund any excess payments directly to the patient/guarantor. In this case, select Patient as the payee, which populates the guarantor's information with the payee name and address. This refund will still be posted to the claim as an insurance refund transaction: the payee information pertains only to where the refund should be sent.
If you selected a payee in error, click Change. - Repeat the steps above for each charge to be refunded on the claim. If you're posting a refund to an additional payment for the same payer as one for which you've already entered a refund amount and payee, the payee for that refund is automatically populated.
- Notes — Enter any notes. athenaOne automatically posts these notes to the payment batch associated with the refund.
- Do one of the following:
- If you need to post additional refunds, click Post Refund. This option posts the current refunds and refreshes the page so that you can post additional refunds for the patient or find the next patient/claim for which you need to post refunds.
- If you're finished posting refunds, click Post and Batch Refund. This option posts the current refunds and displays the Batch Refunds tab of the Manage Refunds page, where you can include the refunds in a deposit batch.
Note: For reconciliation purposes, you must now batch the payment batches into deposit batches.
A deposit batch corresponds to a check that you intend to write to a payer. A deposit batch can include a single payment batch (refund), or it can include multiple payment batches (refunds) posted for the same payer.
- Display the Manage Refunds page: On the Main Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds.
- Click the Batch Refunds tab.
The Payment Batches list displays all the refund payment batches that you have not yet reconciled to deposit batches.
The Batch Refunds tab shows only refund batches or batches that contain transactions of type "REFUND" that have not been tied to a deposit batch. - To narrow the list of displayed payment batches, you can use the filters at the top of the page. You can also click any column header to sort the list by that criterion.
- Select the payment batches to include in the deposit batch. To select all the displayed payment batches, check the box at the top of the column.
Note: As you add payment batches to the deposit batch, athenaOne updates the deposit batch information in the Deposit Batch box on the left. - Deposit date — Defaults to today's date. You can select a different date, if necessary.
- Bank account — Select the bank account from which the refund check will be issued.
- Check number — Enter the check number.
Note: Entering the deposit batch without a check number is not recommended. Although it is possible to enter the check number later, on the Assign Check Numbers tab after you issue the check, this may create confusion if there is more than one deposit batch with the same amount. - Deposit location — Select a deposit location, if applicable.
- Payee — Payee information that you recorded when posting refunds on the Issue Insurance Refunds page appears with the corresponding payment batch in the Payee column.
If you already selected a payee for the payment batches that you're including in the deposit batch, the Payee field in the deposit batch summary on the left side of the page is automatically populated with that payee. If you have not yet selected a payee for the payment batch, you can select an existing payee or add a new one in the Payee field.
Note: If you select multiple payment batches and those batches have different payees, a warning indicates that there are multiple payees for the deposit batch. Because a deposit batch represents a single check, it is not possible to have a deposit batch with multiple payees. You can select a new payee for the batch in the Payee field. - Notes — Enter any notes.
- Click Save to create the deposit batch.
Note: If your deposit batch contains multiple refunds for payers that span more than one insurance category, a warning asks you to confirm that the payment batches you included are intended to be covered by the same check. In this case, click OK to proceed; otherwise, click Cancel to remove incorrect payment batches.
athenaOne creates the deposit batch and refreshes the Batch Refunds tab, removing the payment batches that you just added to the new deposit batch (because they are now reconciled).
- Display the Manage Refunds page: On the Main Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds.
- Click the Assign Check Numbers tab.
This tab displays all refund deposit batches, including batches containing patient refunds, that do not have an associated check number. - The payee information that you recorded appears in the Payee(s) column. Payee name and address information also appears in the file that you generate when you click Download to Excel.
Note: If you do not record payee information while posting or batching the refund, this column continues to display insurance package names and IDs for that refund deposit batch. - You can click edit for a deposit batch to make changes to the payment batches included within it.
- Check Number — Enter the check number for the deposit batch.
- Click Save.
- Display the Manage Refunds page: On the Main Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds.
- Click the View Refunds tab.
This tab displays claim and batch information for posted refunds that meet the selected filter criteria. For example, you can use this page to display claims to which you recently posted refunds, so that you can verify their status. - Click links in the Claim ID, Payment Batch, and Deposit Batch columns to review additional information about the posted refunds.
Note: The View Refunds tab shows refunds in process. A voided refund is not considered to be "in process" and, therefore, does not appear on this tab.
- Display the Claim Edit page for the claim.
- Locate the refund transaction to void.
- Click Void this transaction.
The transaction details appear. - Under the "Void Refund for" heading, do one of the following:
- If you have not yet reconciled the associated refund payment batches to a deposit batch or issued the refund check, click Void to void the refund. The refund then appears on the Batch Refunds tab of the Manage Refunds page, where you can add it to a deposit batch. You should include the original refund payment batch and the void payment batch in the same deposit batch.
- If the original refund has already been reconciled to a deposit batch, click Void and Manage Deposit Batch to void the transaction and display the Manage TOS Deposit Batch page for the original refund deposit batch. You can reopen the deposit batch to include the void batch to ensure an accurate deposit total for the batch.
This workflow for voiding insurance refunds applies only to refunds posted in a prior month.
- Display the Claim Edit page for the claim.
- Locate the refund transaction to void.
- Click Void this transaction.
The transaction details appear. - Click Void.
- Repeat steps 1 through 4 for any other related refund transactions.
- Display the Manage Refunds page: On the Main Menu, click Financials. Under REFUNDS, click Manage Refunds.
- Click the Batch Refunds tab.
- Locate the negative payment batches totaling the amount that you voided.
- Deposit date — Enter the deposit date (for example, the date of the original deposit batch or the offsetting date as it appears on your bank statement).
- Bank account — Select the bank account of the original insurance refund, where the funds were to be taken from.
- Notes — Enter detailed notes indicating that this void is for an insurance refund posted in a prior month. Provide as much detail as possible regarding the original refund being voided.
- Click Save.
Review Claims tab | |
Provider group | Filter the worklist by claim provider group. |
Department | Filter the worklist by claim service department. |
Provider | Filter the worklist by claim rendering provider. |
IRC | Filter the worklist by the insurance reporting category of the payer that may require a refund. |
Custom insurance group | Filter the worklist by the custom insurance group of the payer that may require a refund. |
Type |
Select any of the following claim types:
Overpaid — Returns claims that have an overpaid charge (kicked with the OVERPYMT kick code).
Refund requested (interest) — Returns claims for which the payer has requested a refund with interest (kicked with the SENDREFUNDINTEREST kick code).
Refund requested (no interest) — Returns claims for which the payer has requested a refund with no interest (kicked with the SENDREFUND kick code).
Refund requested (athena review) — Returns claims for which the payer has requested a refund that athenahealth is working to resolve. athenahealth works these types of claims:
Total amount | For overpaid claims: filters the worklist for a minimum and/or maximum overpayment amount. |
Minimum age | Filter the worklist for only those claims that have been pending refund review for longer than the number of days specified. |
Batch Refunds tab — Column headings | |
ID | The refund payment batch ID. |
Created | The date that the refund payment batch was created (that is, the date that the refund was posted). |
Created By | The user who created the refund payment batch (that is, the user who posted the refund). |
Payer | The refund insurance package. This field displays all insurance packages associated with payment batches not yet included in a deposit batch. |
Patient | The patient for whom the insurance refund was posted. |
Date Of Service | The date of service associated with the refund. |
Refund Amount | The total amount of the payment batch. |
Note | Any notes about the payment batch. |
Payee | The payee of the refund. |
Batch Refunds tab — Deposit Batch fields | |
Payment batches | The number of refund payment batches to be included in the refund deposit batch. |
Refund amount | The total amount of the refund payment batches to be included in the deposit batch (that is, the deposit batch amount). |
Deposit date | The deposit batch deposit date. |
Bank account | The bank account for the deposit batch. |
Check number | The check number associated with the refund check. This field can be left blank and filled in later on the Assign Check Numbers tab after the refund has been issued. |
Deposit location | The deposit location for the deposit batch. |
Assign Check Numbers tab — Column headings | |
Check Number | The check number associated with the refund. |
Deposit Date | The deposit date of the deposit batch. |
Created By | The username of the person who created the deposit batch. |
Payee(s) | For insurance refunds, this field shows the insurance packages included in the refund. For patient refunds, this field shows the patient guarantor. |
Patient(s) | The patients covered by the refund check. |
Refund Amount | The amount of the deposit batch, that is, the total of all refunds posted in the batch. |
Note | Any notes about the deposit batch. |
View Refunds tab — Column headings | |
ID | The refund's claim ID. |
Patient | The claim's patient. |
Payer | The refunded insurance package. |
Status | The claim status of the refunded payer's transfer type. |
Balance | The claim outstanding balance for the refunded payer's transfer type. |
Refund | The total amount of the refunds posted to the claim for the payer. |
Payment Batch | The payment batch in which the refund was posted. |
Deposit Batch | The deposit batch in which the refund is included, if applicable. This field is blank if the refund's payment batch has not yet been included in a deposit batch. |
Check Number | The check number associated with the refund. This field is blank if a check number has not yet been entered for the refund. |
Payee | The payee of the refund. |