Time Of Service Payment Summary
This page allows you to run a report that shows all cash collected for each time-of-service batch by department and by payment method for a given transaction post date range.
On the Main Menu, click Reports. Under FINANCIALS, click Time-of-Service Payment Summary
The Time Of Service Payment Summary report shows all cash collected for each time-of-service batch by department and by payment method for a given transaction post date range.
Note: Business and corporate e-check payment information does not appear on the Manage Time-of-Service Money page, the Time Of Service Payment Summary page, or the Time of Service Collections report. For more information, see Processing business and corporate e-checks.
The report results are sorted by department and, within each department, by payment batch number in ascending order. If you run the report for one department only, the report results are sorted by payment batch number in ascending order.
You can run this report for prior months to do a month-to-month comparison of front desk payment collections.
The report is divided into two sections:
- Transactions reported in the time-of-service payment batch
- Transactions voided after their respective batches were closed
If all transactions have the same post date as their time-of-service batch (in other words, if all time-of-service batches are closed on the same day they were opened), the sum of the transactions equals the sum of your closed time-of-service batches in the same date range.
If these sums do not balance, it means that there are transactions with post dates that differ from the same time-of-service batch post date, and that there are transactions with different post dates within the same batch.
You can investigate closed time-of-service batches using the Manage Time-of-Service Deposit Batch page.
This reflects payments that were originally collected in time-of-service batches, but were voided after the time-of-service batch was closed.
The expanded summary for each batch includes:
- Net Payments: the net amount in the batch (also on simple summary)
- Void Outs, External Voids: the number of refunds in this batch
- Voided Externally, Voided Late: the errors discovered in this batch, corrected elsewhere
The Time-Of-Service Payment Summary report includes cash (non-electronic) payments collected from the CCP nonpatient payment workflow.
- The records appear with a reason of "NONPATCASH," which reflects the unpostable type that holds the funds.
- The Method field displays the payment method (Cash, MC/VISA, Check, etc.) specified in the nonpatient payment workflow.
- The Patient field displays the unpostable ID because there is no patient associated with [cash] nonpatient payments.
Run Report for Dates |
Enter the date range for the time-of-service batch post date. |
Department |
The department where the time-of-service batches are opened. |
Column Headings for report output — simple view | |
Time-of-Service Batch # | |
Patient |
The patient name. |
Amount |
The payment amount. |
Method |
The payment method used to collect a payment. |
Check/CC# |
The check or credit card number used to make the payment. |
Reason |
The reason for the payment. |
Date of Svc |
The date of service associated with the payment. |
Payment Method |
The payment method. |
Net Payments |
The net total payments made using the payment method. |
Column Headings for report output — expanded view | |
Time-of-Service Batch # | |
Patient |
The patient name. |
Amount |
The payment amount. |
Method |
The payment method used to payment. |
Check/CC# |
The check or credit card number used to make the payment. |
Reason |
The reason for the payment. |
Date of Svc |
The date of service associated with the payment. |
Payment Method |
The payment method used to payment. |
Net Payments |
The sum of payments made using the payment method. |
Void Outs | If the transaction is voided in the same payment batch, then the amounts are totaled and shown in this column. |
External Voids | If the transaction is voided in a different payment batch from the original transaction, the amounts are totaled and shown in this column. |
Voided Externally | If the transaction is voided in a different payment batch before the original payment batch is closed, these amounts are totaled and show in this column. |
Voided Late | If the transaction is voided in a different payment batch after the original payment batch was closed, these amounts are totaled and show in this column. |
Total Type | Net Payments |
UNAPPLIED TOTAL | The sum of money being collected into unapplied for the selected date range. |
SYSTEM TOTAL | The sum of unapplied credit being moved to a claim by athenaOne for the selected date range. |
GRAND TOTAL | The Sum of all Time Of Service activity for the selected date range. |