Embedded OB Workflow
Record Delivery Information
Access the OB Worksheet. In Delivery Information, enter the delivery date and details about the delivery.
Date: Select the date of delivery or enter it in MM-DD-YYYY format.
In the legacy OB Episode, other delivery information fields would not appear until you entered a delivery date. Now, all delivery information fields appear regardless of whether you enter a delivery date. - Labor: Select or type None, Spontaneous, Induced, or Augmented.
- Preterm Labor: Select Yes or No.
- Anesthesia: Select None, General, Local, Regional - Epidural, or Regional-Spinal.
- Delivered By: Begin typing the name of the provider. Select the provider's name from the menu that opens. If the provider's name does not appear in the menu, you can enter the name as free text in this field.
- Delivery Site: Begin typing the name of the delivery site. Select the site from the menu that opens.
- Delivery Site - Other: If the patient gave birth at a location other than a site defined by your organization, enter the location. If you enter a location in this field, the Delivery Site field above automatically clears.
- Incision Type: Select Low Transverse, Low Vertical, or Classical. Leave blank if there were no incisions.
- Tubal Sterilization: Click Yes or No.
- Weeks Gestation: This value prepopulates based on the Delivery Date entered. You can also manually enter this value as needed in weeks and days.
- Length of Labor: Enter the duration of labor in hours. Decimal point values are supported up to two decimal places.
- Postpartum Complications: Select None, Hemorrhage, Infection, Mastitis, or Other. If the patient had more than one complication or a complication not listed, enter this information in the Comments field.