Quick Reference — To complete a score-only questionnaire during an encounter



For screening questionnaires that are not fully supported in athenaOne or questionnaires that a patient takes offline (for example, on paper), you can document the score in the encounter.

Note: Like questionnaires completed in athenaOne, completed score-only questionnaires appear in the patient chart and use the available graphing and billing code mapping features.


After the patient fills out the screening questionnaire, enter the score as follows.

  1. If you plan to link one or more documents to the score-only screening questionnaire (for example, the paper questionnaire that the patient filled out), upload the document to the patient chart and tie it to the encounter.
    1. Using the Add Document page, upload the questionnaire document to your computer.
      For the Document Class, select Encounter Document – Health History Questionnaire.
    2. When the document view opens, select the encounter from the Tie To Patient Encounter menu and click Save.
  2. From the Intake stage of the encounter, click the Screening section in the checklist.
    The Screening section opens. 
  3. Click the menu at the top to see all the questionnaires your organization has copied.
  4. From the menu, select the score-only questionnaire by checking the box to the left of the questionnaire name.
    The patient must take the questionnaire before you enter its score in the encounter.
    Note: If the patient declines to answer the questions, select a reason from the menu below the questionnaire name and click the Save button (see To record that a patient declined a screening questionnaire).
  5. Score — Enter the numeric score from the offline questionnaire.
  6. Notes — Enter any notes about the questionnaire.
  7. Documents — You can link one or more documents to a screening questionnaire (for example, you can link the paper questionnaire that the patient filled out to attach it to this score-only questionnaire).
    Note: Before you can link a document to a screening questionnaire, the document must first be uploaded to the patient chart and tied to the encounter (see step 1).
    1. In the Screening window, click Select document.
      The list of documents tied to the encounter appears.
    2. Select the questionnaire document from the list.
      A link to the document appears on the screening questionnaire and on the read-only view of previously completed questionnaires.
  8. Click the Save button. (You must click the Save button in the Screening section to save your work.)
    Note: The Administered by name and time stamp do not appear for score-only questionnaires.