Quick Reference — To create a task assignment override for Direct messages



Note: Inbound clinical documents sent via Direct Messaging are received in the provider's Clinical Inbox. Inbound Direct messages are routed to the provider unless you create a task assignment override (TAO). For example, you can route all inbound Direct documents to a staff work queue in the Clinical Inbox instead of the provider work queue.

  1. Display the Task Assignment Overrides page: On the Main Menu, click Settings > Clinicals. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Other, click Task Assignment Overrides.
  2. Click add new.
    The Add Task Assignment Override view appears.
  3. Select type — Accept the default value, Inbound documents.
  4. Class — Select Clinical Document.
  5. Subclass — Click Selected and then select Clinical Document - Record of Care from the menu.
  6. Status — Select REVIEW.
  7. Assignee — Select the role or person to whom the Direct messages should be routed.
  8. Select the departments or providers to which this TAO will be applied.
    Note: If the department was recently created (within the hour, approximately), it may take more time for the department to appear for selection in the TAO admin page. If you are attempting to create a TAO for a newly created department and the department does not appear, attempt again after at least an hour and the department should be available for selection.
  9. Click Save.

For more information, see Task Assignment Overrides.