Quick Reference — To record the reason that the medications list was not reviewed



To support clinical quality reporting requirements, you can indicate that a patient's medication list was not reviewed along with the reason why. This feature is available in the Medications section of the patient chart, as well as in the Intake checklist.

  1. Display the patient chart and click the Medications tab.
    Note: If you are performing Intake for a patient encounter, click the Medications option in the Intake checklist.
  2. At the bottom of the medications list, click Reviewed.
    The field now reads Not Reviewed and the Reason for not reviewing menu appears.
    Note: If you do not select a reason from the Reason for not reviewing menu, an orange bar appears next to the Medications tab.
  3. Select a reason from the menu.
    • Not indicated — Select this option when, for example, a patient returns for a follow‑up visit shortly after a previous visit.
    • Not tolerated — Select this option when, for example, a patient does not know which medications he takes or when a patient comes in for a quick nurse visit and becomes angry or agitated when asked about medications or other matters.
    • Patient refused — Select this option when, for example, a patient comes in for a quick nurse visit and declines to review the Medications list because she's in a hurry or refuses to confirm which medications are active or inactive.

    Note: The Not indicated and Not tolerated reasons are considered medical reasons for not reviewing the medications list and, therefore, satisfy data reporting requirements. The Patient refused reason is not considered a medical reason and does not satisfy reporting requirements.


  4. To change the Not Reviewed status to Reviewed, click Not Reviewed.