Quick Reference — To map an immunization record to a patient in your practice



When athenaOne sends vaccine information to your state immunization registry, the registry may find multiple records that match the patient demographics received. You can find the error messages from the registry on the Interface Message Queue Manager page and then map the registry record to the correct patient on the Interface Mappings page.

  1. Display the Interface Message Queue Manager page: On the Main Menu, click Settings > Practice Manager. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Interfaces, click Interface Message Queue Manager.
  2. Message status — Accept the default value: ERROR.
  3. Interface Vendor — Select your immunization registry name (for example, PA: PASIIS, FL: FLSHOTS).
  4. Click Filter Messages.
    Error messages from the immunization registry are displayed, including messages that require you to map the vaccine record to your patient.

  5. Locate the correct message and click map.
    The Interface Mappings page appears.
    Note: The Interface Mappings page may display only one patient record. Error messages of this type can occur because of slight differences in the patient demographic information — for example, the spelling of the patient name or address (ST vs. STREET) — or the SSN, if sent.
  6. Interface vendor — Identifies the interface for which you will be mapping the patient. Do not change this value.
  7. Message detail — This table lists the patients who are potential matches for your patient. Select the correct patient record from the list and then click Save. If none of the records in the list are correct, select None of the Above.
    Caution: Make sure to select the correct patient record to prevent vaccine information from being imported into the wrong patient chart.
  8. Click Save to complete the mapping and close the Interface Mappings page.
  9. On the Interface Message Queue Manager page, click Reprocess Selected Messages.
    athenaOne sends another query to the state immunization registry, which sends back the historical vaccine information for the patient.