Quick Reference — To print patient balances from the Patient Activity page



Note: E-payments transferred to another patient via CCP keep the original patient's transaction information. The patient account to which the money was transferred will not show that amount in the Patient Payment Summary for the time period.

  1. Display the Patient Activity page: On the Patient Actions Bar, click Billing, and then click Patient Activity.
  2. Filter By Post Date — By default, transactions for the year to date appear on the Patient Activity page. To change the time frame, enter start and end dates or select a date range from the menu and then click Filter.
  3. Click Show Patient Payment Summary for this time period (below the Filter By Post Date menu).
    The Patient Payment Summary page for the specified date range appears.
  4. To print the page, click Print at the top right of the page.
    A print version of the payment summary appears in a new window.
  5. Select the printer and then click Print.