Complete MIPS and MVP Attestations from Program Attestations Pages


The Program Attestations page provides a central location to complete data sign off for Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs), and manual attestations for Promoting Interoperability (PI) and Improvement Activities (IA) measures within both MIPS and MVP programs including:

  • Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
  • Health Information Exchange (HIE) Bi-Directional Exchange
  • Security Risk Analysis (SRA)
  • High Priority Practices Guide of the Safety Assurance Factors for EHR Resilience (SAFER) Guides
  • Immunization Registry Reporting
  • Actions to Limit or Restrict the Compatibility of CEHRT (aka Information Blocking)
  • Electronic Case Reporting
  • Plus additional IA measures

Pre-requisite: Before you can use this feature for MVP attestations, you must be enrolled in an MVP.

How this works

The Program Attestations page has a simple interface that makes it easy for you to track and complete attestations, enter any applicable exclusions, and meet program objectives within MIPS and MVP programs.

From the Quality menu, click Program Attestations to open the page. When you click a measure or program requirement from the list, the attestation page for that specific measure opens. Right below the attestation page title is a handy ribbon summarizing key details regarding that measure or requirement:

The summary ribbon names the programs to which the attestation applies, the category, whether it's a mandatory measure, the status of the attestation and the date by which you must complete the attestation. The lists of clinicians or groups shown in the grid on the rest of the page is where you'll do most of the attestation work.

Once you select those entities you're attesting for, the blue bar above the list will display the attestation statement.

In the image above, note that a clinician is included in two TINs and another clinician is enrolled in multiple programs (MIPS and MVP)—in both cases, a single attestation satisfies both TINS and both requirements/programs, given these are provider level attestations. Now with enhanced search and sort capabilities, the Program Attestation pages help you become submission ready more easily.

Features on the Program Attestation page

This table describes the enhancements to attestation workflows now available on the Program Attestation pages.

Feature Image Description
Action alerts


Identifies program requirements that have not yet been met and require your attention before the Due date
Completion tracker


Provides an at-a-glance visual of how your entities are progressing towards satisfying the measure.
Bulk select


Allows you to select all the clinicians or all groups within a list with a single click. For ease of reference, clinicians and groups are often generically referred to as entities.
Required measures indicator


A badge that indicates which measures or requirements are mandatory for a given performance year, as specified by the program steward.
Due date

Shows the date by which the attestation must be completed on the Program Attestations landing page
Filter Let's you zero in on only those programs or categories you want to show in the list of measures.


Allows you to toggle the column heading so that similar values within that column are grouped together. Available on many column headings.
Last action tracker Shows you the details of the user (initials, date and time stamp) that last took an action.


The filter options are especially helpful if you have many providers or groups at your practice and you want to limit the list. Here's another image of the filtering capabilities available from the Programs & Category field:

Attestation statuses

Some Promoting Interoperability measures are satisfied when at least one MIPS eligible clinician at the practice meets the requirements of that program. In those instances, the attestation statement for the group can be made at the individual clinician level. Other attestation statements are satisfied at the group level for the whole practice. This table lists the level at which each measure or requirement an attestation statement can be made:


Attestation statement is made at the group level: Attestation statement for the group can be made at the individual clinician level:
Security Risk Analysis (SRA) Immunization Registry Reporting
Actions to Limit or Restrict the Compatibility of CEHRT (PKA Info Blocking) Electronic Case Reporting (eCR)
SAFER Guides Query of Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP)
Health Information Exchange (HIE) Bi-Directional Exchange

Improvement Activities* - see the Quality Help Center for a complete list of measures.

*Note to satisfy IA measures, at least 50% of the clinicians within a group must attest to satisfying the activity to change the status of the group to Completed.

Attestations statuses for PDMP

Your practice may automatically satisfy an exclusion criterion if your clinician writes fewer than 100 permissible prescriptions during the performance period. If this is the case, the Status column on the PDMP attestation page will be Excluded - Auto Attested. This table describes the varying attestation statuses you can see in the PDMP measure:


Attestation status Description
Completed - Auto Attested athenaClinicals logic satisfies the measure.
Completed - User Attested Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin or MUPP manually attested to the PDMP satisfaction statement within the new program attestation page.
Excluded - Auto Attested athenaClinicals automatically applies the exclusion.
Excluded - User Attested Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin or MUPP manually selected the PDMP Exclusion statement within the new program attestation page.



This section provides instructions to complete each of the available program attestation requirements supported by athenahealth. Each requirement may have a slightly different workflow; however generally this is the process:

  1. Open the Program Attestation page
  2. Select an attestation task from the list. The specific attestation measure page opens.
  3. Select an individual or group of clinicians as appropriate to the attestation measure you've selected (providers and groups referred to here as entities).
  4. Select an attestation statement or an exclusion statement and click Attest. That's it!

Follow theses instructions to complete your own attestations.

User access and permissions

To access the Program Attestation page, quality manager users must have the Meaningful Use Point Person (MUPP) role or Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin role.


Note: MUPP role updates are performed by Customer Care. Select Support > Success Community > Contact Client Support Center to enter a case.


To add the Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin role to a user

You must have the User Admin role to access the User admin setup pages.

  1. Navigate to the User Admin page:

    1. On the Main Menu, click the Settings icon .

    2. Under ADMIN, click User.

    3. In the Task Bar, under PRACTICE LINKS — Users, click Users. The Users page opens.

  2. Username — Enter the username of the person to whom you're giving permission to complete the program attestations and then click Search.
    A list of usernames appears below the search criteria.

  3. Click the update link for the user account that you want to update.
    The user profile details appear in the fields at the top of the page.

  4. Click the Roles tab.

  5. Click the Edit link.

  6. Start typing Clinicals above the list of roles and permissions.

  7. Select the Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin check box.

  8. Click Save.

Setup instructions

Before you can use this feature for MVP attestations, you must be enrolled in an MVP. See the Program Enrollment topic for enrollment instructions.

To access the Program Attestations page

  1. Display the Program Attestations page:

    1. On the Main Menu, click the Quality menu.

    2. Click Program Attestations. The Program Attestations page opens.

  2. Click one of the attestation measures or requirements and follow the instructions as described below.