Issue Insurance Refund


This page allows you to record (post) an insurance refund and view the patient's open charges that have insurance payments posted against them. Insurance refunds should be processed on a weekly basis.


You can also add a refund to the Refund Checks In Process list for processing by your accounting department. (After the accounting department issues the check, you can fill in the check number on the Refund Checks In Process page.)


Important: athenaOne cannot issue actual refund checks for you. You must generate the refund check from the relevant practice bank account checkbook or using another refund method that you manage within your practice. If you use athenaMailbox, in most cases, patient refunds issued with a Payment method type of Check can be issued from your local/TOS bank rather than U.S. Bank. A Cut Refund Check Remittance Record will be created for refunds using U.S. Bank.





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