View Appointment Wait List
athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems
This page allows you to track requests from patients who want to be seen earlier than their scheduled appointments, or who want to see another provider. It also enables you to fulfill these requests when an earlier appointment slot becomes available.
On the Main Menu, click Calendar. Under APPOINTMENTS, click Appointment Wait List
On the Patient Actions Bar, click Scheduling, and then click Add to Appointment Wait List
You must have the Appointment Wait List user permission or role to access this page.
- Follow the usual process for scheduling an appointment.
- From the Appointment Saved page, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the link to add patient to appointment wait list. The Add Patient to Appointment Wait List page appears. The first three fields default to the information from the just-scheduled appointment.
- Desired Provider — Select (or verify) the provider desired for the appointment request. If the patient is willing to see any provider (not only the provider from the previously scheduled appointment) select -Any-.
- Desired Start Time — Indicate the desired start time for the requested appointment.
- Desired
Day — Select the desired day or days for the requested appointment.
Note: To select more than one day, hold down the Ctrl key and click the days. - Priority — Select the priority for this appointment request (Normal, Low, or High).
- Currently Scheduled Appointment — If you do not want the wait list request to be attached to the appointment, you can select No appointment selected from the Currently Scheduled Appointment menu.
- Notes — Enter any notes about this appointment request.
- Click Save.
The appointment wait list request confirmation appears. The appointment
wait list request appears on the patient Quickview with the appointment information.
Note: When a request is attached to a scheduled appointment, and no alternative appointment slot becomes available, the wait list request is automatically deleted when the patient checks in for the originally scheduled appointment.
- On the Patient Actions Bar, click Scheduling, and then click Add to Appointment Wait List.
The Add Patient to Appointment Wait List page appears. - Department — Select the department for the requested appointment.
- Appointment Type — Select the appointment type for the requested appointment.
- Desired Provider — Select the provider desired for the appointment request. If the patient is willing to see any provider, select -Any-.
- Desired Start Time — Indicate the desired start time for the requested appointment.
- Desired
Day — Select the desired day or days for the requested appointment.
Note: To select more than one day, hold down the Ctrl key and click the days. - Priority — Select the priority for this appointment request (Normal, Low, or High).
- Currently Scheduled Appointment — If the patient already has an upcoming appointment, the appointment information appears in this field. If the patient does not already have an appointment scheduled, this field displays No appointment selected.
- Notes — Enter any notes about this appointment request.
- Click Save. The appointment wait list request confirmation appears. The appointment wait list request appears on the patient Quickview with the appointment information.
Important: The patient home phone number displayed in the wait list does not reflect patient privacy requests.
- As soon as you cancel
or reschedule an appointment, click schedule patient from appointment wait list. The
View Appointment Wait List
page appears.
The Department, Desired Start Time, and Desired Day of Week fields display the information from the cancelled appointment (athenaOne assumes that you are looking for a patient with an appointment wait list request who will want an appointment in the cancelled slot). - Click Search to display a list of patients with appointment wait list requests that match the cancelled appointment information. Patients who match the search criteria appear on the page.
- Click find appt next to the appropriate patient. The appointment schedule for the department, provider, and day of the cancelled appointment appears. The time of the cancelled slot has also been selected.
- If necessary, uncheck this slot and schedule the patient into another appointment slot.
- Click Schedule Appointment(s) at the bottom of the page. The appointment wait list request no longer appears on this patient's Quickview.
Important: The patient home phone number displayed in the wait list does not reflect patient privacy requests.
- Display the View Appointment Wait List page: On the Main Menu, click Calendar. Under APPOINTMENTS, click Appointment Wait List.
- Select your search criteria
from the menus and click Search.
Note: The search results include the "-Any-" appointment type as well as results that match the specified search criteria. - Click find appt next to the appropriate patient in the list. The Schedule Appointment page appears, with the information from the appointment wait list request pre-filled in the fields at the top of the page.
- Select an available day
and appointment slot and schedule the new appointment as you normally
Note: After the appointment is scheduled, the request is automatically deleted from the wait list.
- Display the View Appointment Wait List page: On the Main Menu, click Calendar. Under APPOINTMENTS, click Appointment Wait List.
- Select your search criteria
from the menus and click Search.
Note: The search results include the "-Any-" appointment type as well as results that match the specified search criteria. - Click update for the patient appointment request that you want to update. The Update view appears.
- Use the menus provided to update the request as needed.
- Click Save.
- Display the View Appointment Wait List page: On the Main Menu, click Calendar. Under APPOINTMENTS, click Appointment Wait List.
- Select your search criteria
from the menus and click Search.
The list of matching appointment wait list requests appears.
Note: The search results include the "-Any-" appointment type as well as results that match the specified search criteria. - Click delete for the patient appointment request that you want to delete. A warning message appears.
- Click OK to delete the request, or
click Cancel to preserve it.
Note: Deleted requests appear disabled in the list of requests if you select the Show Deleted option. To restore a deleted request, click the undelete link.
Filter Fields Note: The search results include the "-Any-" appointment type as well as results that match the specified search criteria. |
Department |
Department in which the desired appointment is scheduled. |
Appointment Type |
Type of appointment desired. |
Desired Provider |
Username of the provider that the patient would like to see. |
Desired Start Time |
Range of time during which the patient would like their appointment to start. |
Desired Day of Week |
Days of the week on which the patient would like to be seen. Note: To select more than one day, hold down the Ctrl key and click the days. |
Priority |
Urgency of the desired appointment (Normal, Low, or High). |
Show Deleted? |
Select this option to include deleted appointment wait list requests in your search results. (This field appears only on the View Appointment Wait List page.) |
Update Fields | |
Department |
Department in which the desired appointment would take place. |
Appointment Type |
Type of appointment desired. |
Desired Provider |
Username of the provider that the patient would like to see. |
Desired Start Time |
Range of time during which the patient would like their appointment to start. |
Desired Day |
Days of the week on which the patient would like to be seen. |
Priority |
Urgency of the desired appointment (Normal, Low, or High). |
Currently Scheduled Appointment |
If the patient already has an appointment scheduled, this field displays the appointment information. If the patient does not already have an appointment scheduled, this field displays No appointment selected. (This field appears on the Add Patient to Appointment Wait List page and the Update Appointment Wait List page.) |
Notes |
Free-text field in which you can enter any notes about this wait list request. |
Column Headings for Appointment Wait List Requests | |
Patient Name, ID# |
The patient's name and athenaOne ID number linked to the patient Quickview. |
Home Phone |
The patient's home phone number. Note: This phone number does not reflect any patient privacy requests concerning confidential communications. |
Created Date (Days Ago) |
The date that the request was created and the age of the appointment request in days (n). |
Priority |
Urgency of the desired appointment. |
Department |
Department in which the desired appointment would take place. |
Provider |
Username of the provider that the patient would like to see. |
Appointment Type |
Type of appointment desired. |
Wait List Notes |
Any notes that were entered in this wait list request. |
Day(s) |
Days of the week on which the patient would like to be seen. |
Start Time Range |
Range of time during which the patient would like their appointment to start. |
Currently Scheduled For |
This information reflects the selection in the Currently Scheduled Appointment field for this request. The columns display "None" if no appointment is scheduled.