Embedded OB Workflow

Enter Baby Information


Enter the sex, weight, and other information for the baby.

  • Sex: Select Female or Male. If you select Male, an option to indicate Circumcision (Yes or No) appears beneath this field.
  • Birth Weight: Enter the baby's weight in pounds and ounces or grams. If you enter the baby's weight in pounds and ounces, the Grams field prepopulates with the weight calculated in grams. The opposite applies if you enter the baby's weight in grams. Enter integers (whole numbers) only.
  • Outcome: Select Full Term Birth, Premature Birth, Abortion, Induced Abortion, Spontaneous, Ectopic, or Fetal Demise.

    Note: If you select Full Term Birth or Premature Birth, a field appears to indicate if the baby was delivered Living (Yes or No), and appears as Yes by default.

  • First Name: Enter the baby's given name.
  • Last Name: Enter the baby's last name.
  • Race: Ask the patient what you should enter for the baby's race. You can select multiple options as needed. If the patient doesn't want the baby's race entered, select Patient Declined.

    Note: If you select Patient Declined after entering race information, the information entered for the baby's race clears.

  • Ethnicity: Ask the patient what you should enter for the baby's ethnicity. You can select multiple options as needed. If the patient doesn't want the baby's ethnicity entered, select Patient Declined.

    Note: If you select Patient Declined after entering ethnicity information, the information entered for the baby's ethnicity clears.

  • Admitted to NICU: Select Yes or No.
  • Delivery Type: Select the delivery type. The values that appear in this menu are defined by your clinic administrator in Settings > Practice Manager > Delivery Type. If there are no delivery types configured, the Delivery Type field will not appear.
  • Pediatric Complications: Enter a note listing any complications.

Record information for multiple births

If you indicated more than one fetus in the Pregnancy Information section of the OB Worksheet, additional Baby Information sections appear — one for each baby. For field guidance, see Enter Baby Information above for details.

In this example, a patient delivers twins. Baby Information A and Baby Information B appears above each section to capture the information for each infant.


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