Quick Reference — To annotate, sign, and submit a physician authorization document on behalf of a provider



For more information about how providers can delegate the signing and submitting of physician authorization documents by non-provider users, see this video: Allow Practice Staff to Sign and Submit Physician Authorization Documents on Their Behalf.


For physician authorization documents, users who have the Clinicals: Order/Prescription Sign-off permission can grant delegate permissions to users who do not have this permission. As delegates, non-provider users can annotate and fax back physician authorization documents using the Annotation complete. Submit by Fax & Next button.

Note: For more information about how providers can grant permissions to delegates, see To delegate sign-off permissions for physician authorization documents.

  1. Display the Clinical Inbox.
  2. Select the physician authorization document that needs to be annotated and signed on behalf of the provider.
    The document appears; the Provider field automatically displays the name of the provider.
    Note: You can find physician authorization documents in the Orders / Rxs / Auths queue.
  3. Click annotate with tools.
  4. Click the menu and select one of the signature options.
    Note: The signature options are enabled only if the practice staff user is configured as a delegate for the provider on the document.

  5. Click the Add button.
  6. To fax the document back to the sender, enter the fax number in the field to the right of the Annotation complete. Submit by Fax & Next button and then click the button.
    Note: A record of the authorization appears in the History section of the document after the document is submitted via ATHENAFAX.

Important: The signing provider must authorize any physician authorization document that was annotated, signed, and submitted on the provider's behalf by a practice staff user within three business days. If this authorization does not take place within three business days, the designated practice staff user loses access to sign and submit documents on the provider's behalf. For more information, see To authorize a physician authorization document that a practice user annotated, signed, and submitted on your behalf.