Quick Reference — To enter an Accountable Care Organization (ACO) entity ID for a medical group



To enroll a medical group in the Accountable Care Organization (ACO) MSSP quality program in athenaOne, you must associate the medical group with an ACO entity ID on the NPIs and Other Numbers page. A script locates providers associated with an ACO entity ID and automatically enrolls them in the ACO MSSP program.

Note: You do not need to open a support case to enroll a medical group in the ACO MSSP quality program.


  1. Display the NPIs and Other Numbers page: On the Main Menu, click Settings > Billing. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Enrollment and Numbers, click NPIs and Other Numbers.
  2. Provider/group — Select the medical group that you want to enroll in the ACO MSSP quality program.
    The list of numbers for the selected medical group appears.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Add number.
    The Add Medical Group Number view appears.
  4. Category — Select ACO Entity ID from the list.
    Tip: You can type ACO in the field to display ACO Entity ID.
  5. Number — Enter the ACO entity ID number provided by CMS. The format of the ACO entity ID is [state abbreviation][four digits], for example, CA1234.
    Note: Multiple medical groups can be associated with the same ACO entity ID, but you must assign that number to each medical group individually on the NPIs and Other Numbers page.
  6. Click Save.
    The ACO entity ID is now associated with the selected medical group, and the corresponding TIN is enrolled in the ACO MSSP quality program after a script runs (within 48 hours of the update).


Use the Submission Dashboard (On the Main Menu, click Quality. Select Submission Dashboard) to:

  • Confirm the ACO Entity ID is successfully enrolled — Select ACO from the list of programs on the left-hand side. Configured ACO Entity ID(s) are displayed. Allow 24 hours for the Submission Dashboard to update after making changes.

  • View QRDA-III files for submission once generated.

Performance Monitoring — You can report on ACO MSSP program performance at the provider or ACO entity level for all three MSSP quality measures on the Quality Management Reporting page and the eCQM Data page.