Quick Reference — To schedule a report in the Report Library



Scheduled reports run early in the morning on their projected delivery date. If the report is filtered by a relative date range (for example, Previous Month, Year-to-Date, or Year thru Previous Month), the data included in the report is based on the date that the report is run, not the date on which the user scheduled the report. For example, if you create a report filtered by the claim service day with the relative date range Previous Month and you schedule the report on May 1 for delivery on June 1, the claim service days included in the report will be May 1 through May 31 (not April 1 through April 30).

  1. Display the Report Library page: On the Main Menu, click Reports. Under General, click Report Library.
  2. Locate the report that you want to schedule and then click the schedule link (or the modify schedule link) to the right of the report name.
    Note: Reports that you created yourself are on the My Reports tab.
  3. Report name — Enter a short, descriptive name for the new report.
  4. Report Description — Enter a description of the report.
  5. Report Inbox Description — Enter a short description (up to 500 characters) of the report. This description will appear in the Report Inbox for all recipients when the report appears. You can modify existing scheduled reports to add a description in this field.
  6. Recurrence — Specify the schedule for running the report: Once, Weekly, or Monthly.
    • Once — Tomorrow's date appears in this field, but you can set this value to a later date (you cannot enter today's date).
    • Weekly — Enter the start and end dates for the report (the end date is optional). Then enter the frequency of the report (every week, every 2 weeks, every 3 weeks, or every 4 weeks), and select the day of the week on which the report will be delivered.
    • Monthly — Enter the start and end dates for the report (the end date is optional). Then enter the day of the month on which to deliver the report (enter 32 to deliver the report on the last day of any month).
  1. GroupCall Campaign (athenaCommunicator only) — You can select a GroupCall campaign to send the report results as a patient recipient list. The menu displays the GroupCall campaigns in alphabetical order.
  2. Recipients — Select the recipients of the report.
    Note: Only users with access to the Report Inbox appear in the list of possible recipients. All recipients that you select appear in the Recipients list.
  3. Filters — You can specify filters for the scheduled report. These filters depend on the report you are scheduling.
  4. Click Schedule.