Embedded OB Workflow

Add Pregnancy Problems


Review the following to record pregnancy problems and append notes to your entries. If desired, select options within pregnancy problems to add them to the patient's Active Problems list.

Add a pregnancy problem

  1. Access the OB Worksheet.

  2. If the Pregnancy Problems section is collapsed, click Expand .

  3. In Pregnancy Problems, click Add . In the search field, begin typing the name of the problem and select it from the menu below.

  4. Optional. If desired, enter the Onset Date and Notes. Select Add to Active Problems List to include the problem in the patient's Problems list.

  5. Click Add . The new problem appears at the top of the list.

Add problem specific or section level notes

The OB Worksheet supports note entries for individual problems and on a section level.

  • Enter notes for individual problems as you add or edit them.

  • Click Pregnancy Problems Section Note to document a general note pertaining to the pregnancy. All note fields in the Pregnancy Problems section support text macros. To learn more about note field macros, see Text macros in note fields.


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