Quick Reference — To create a letter template for patient correspondence



On the Clinical Paper Forms page, you can configure patient letters that can be signed by the provider and sent to the Patient Portal for patients to print themselves. Patient letters — such as return to school letters, return to work letters, and absence from sports letters — are available in the Letters section.

  1. Display the Clinical Paper Forms page: On the Main Menu, click Settings > Clinicals. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Forms and Letters, click Clinical Paper Forms.
  2. Click Add Forms at the top of the list of forms.
    The Add Form view appears.
  3. Name — Enter a descriptive, unique name for the new letter template.
  4. Department — Select the departments where the letter template will be used.
  5. Effective date and Expiration date — If the letter template has date restrictions, enter the effective and expiration dates in the date fields provided. If you leave the date fields blank, athenaOne assumes that the letter template is valid regardless of the date.
    Note: Letters created from an expired template that were previously sent to the Patient Portal are still available on the Patient Portal.
  6. Ordering — Enter a digit to indicate the order of this letter template in the letter menu.
  7. View on Patient Portal — This option specifies whether a form appears on the Patient Portal in the Printable Forms section of the Forms and Documents tab (My Health > Forms and Documents > Printable Forms). The View on Patient Portal option has no effect on provider-signed patient correspondence, which is always sent to the Patient Portal.
  8. Type of paper form — Select the HTML option.
  9. Make form a letter template — Select this option. The letter template will be listed in the Letter menu in the Letters section of the patient encounter, as well as under the Forms heading on the Checkout stage Patient tab.
  10. Form requires — Select Patient.
  11. Note — Enter any notes about the letter usage.
  12. Form Content — Enter the HTML code to create the letter.
    You can use the Preview option to display the letter as it will appear.
  13. Click Add.
    The letter template appears in the list of forms on the Clinical Paper Forms page, as well as in the Letter menu in the Letters section of the patient encounter and under the Forms heading on the Checkout stage Patient tab.
  14. For HTML forms, click the update link for the form you just created to see the result of the HTML code. You can edit the HTML as needed, and click the Update button to save the changes.