Quality Program Provider Attribution Rules
This page allows you to assign provider attribution models to quality programs. You can associate patients with one of these provider models: Supervising, Rendering, or Medical Home (usual provider).
On the Main Menu, click Settings > Clinicals. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Quality Management, click Quality Program Provider Attribution
To assign a provider attribution model to a quality program, you must have the Clinicals Admin: Quality Manager Admin role.
Note: Before you can assign provider attribution models to quality programs, practice managers must ensure that the correct program guidelines are assigned to each provider.
Display the Quality Program Provider Attribution Rules page: On the Main
Menu, click Settings > Clinicals. In the left menu, under Practice Links — Quality Management, click Quality Program Provider Attribution.
A list of active programs in which your practice is enrolled appears. - Click edit next to a quality program name.
- Rule — Select an attribution model: Supervising, Rendering, or Medical Home.
- Click Save.
athenahealth reviews all changes that you submit using this page. The changes go into effect in approximately one week.
Using the Quality Program Provider Attribution Rules page, you can better connect patients with specialists and improve patient care by assigning provider attribution models to quality programs. Use this page to specify how eligible quality management programs determine which providers a patient's results should be attributed to.
Note: It can take up to a week for all attribution changes to be reflected.
When you assign a provider attribution model to a quality program, this assignment also applies to the following athenaCommunicator features:
- Automated wellness outreach (AWO) messaging. AWO uses athenahealth clinical guidelines to identify patients who have care gaps related to wellness visits and automatically contacts a small percentage of these patients each day on an ongoing basis. The default attribution model for AWO is the patient's usual provider (Medical Home).
- Population health campaigns that you create using the GroupCall Campaign Builder page.
For example, if you use the Quality Program Provider Attribution Rules page to enable the Supervising model for the Diabetes Guidelines program and you then run a population health campaign for diabetes, the supervising provider for a patient who receives the campaign messages receives credit in the quality program.
You can associate patients with one of these provider models.
When you select the Supervising model, a patient is attributed to the supervising (i.e., billing) provider for an eligible encounter as indicated on the claim during the reporting period or lookback time frame. For the selected program or measure, a patient can be attributed to more than one provider if the patient has encounters in which more than one provider was the supervising (billing) provider.
When you select the Rendering model, a patient is attributed to the rendering provider for an eligible encounter during the reporting period or lookback time frame. For the selected program or measure, a patient can be attributed to more than one provider if the patient has encounters in which more than one provider was the rendering provider.
When you select the Medical Home model, a patient is attributed to the provider who is listed as her Usual provider on the Quickview page during the reporting period or lookback time frame. For the selected program or measure, a patient is attributed to a single provider only. A patient is not attributed to any provider if:
Field | Description |
Program |
Selected quality management program. |
Rule |
Select an attribution model. |