User Guide — Nursing Documentation Tools

athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems

Nurses and aides can use several tools to document a patient's condition and care during a hospital stay. Each tool provides a different format to suit your documentation needs, from free-text fields where you can jot down quick one-line notes to more structured documentation.


Tool Description
Admission note

Use the admission note to document:

  • Patient's initial assessment
  • Historical chart information
  • Initial nursing care plan

Nursing care plan

Review and update the nursing care plan to keep the nursing team on track. Address and resolve issues with patient care:

  • Nursing diagnoses
  • Goals
  • Interventions
  • Ideal outcomes
Task Lists

Task lists are automatically generated from nursing orders. Review the task list to see what tasks you will need to complete for each patient during your shift:

  • Scheduled tasks
  • Continuous tasks
  • PRN tasks

Medication Administration Record (MAR)

Track medication orders and their administration,

using either barcode scanners or manual entry.

  • Administered
  • Not given
  • Rescheduled
  • Acknowledge discontinued

Nursing notes

Communicate brief updates to the entire care team, such as:

  • Location of patient
  • Communications with care team
Nursing flowsheets

Flowsheets allow the entire care team to view multiple aspects of a patient's health over time, and spot trends at a glance.


Enter data that you want to track over the course of a stay to assess how a patient's condition is changing. Flowsheets reduce the need to research shift notes for critical data, reduce patient safety risk, and can improve continuity of care and patient outcomes. Nursing flowsheets track:

  • ADLs
  • Airways
  • Assessments
  • Drains
  • Lines
  • Measurements
  • Restraints
  • Screenings
  • Tubes
  • Vitals
  • Wounds
Shift notes

Use shift notes to document:

  • Your current shift
  • Notable events

You can access templates for structured documentation, including:

  • Documenting your shift assessment
  • Head-to-toe assessments
  • Lines, tubes, and drains
  • Screening questionnaires
  • ADLs
Discharge instructions


  • Patient goals (for transfer)
  • Patient instructions (for discharge)
  • Patient education


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