View Claims for Charge Entry Batch
This page allows you to view a claim summary for every claim in the current charge entry batch. Each claim summary consists of a claim header that includes:
- Claim number
- Patient's insurance policy associated with this claim
- Patient name (last name, first name)
- Rendering provider's athenaOne username
- Supervising provider's athenaOne username
- Diagnosis code and description
The summary also provides claim details including the service date, procedure, charge, and a Claim Notes section showing the claim status and kick reasons. You can click the linked billing batch ID (under the Kick/Scrub/Note column) to access the View/Edit Billing Batch page.
This page also provides a link to the Claim Action page, where you can view more information about the claim and take action on it.
On the Main Menu, click Claims. Under CHARGE ENTRY, click Begin/End Charge Entry Batch. Under the My Charge Entry Batches heading, click view claims in this batch for the batch you need
On the Main Menu, click Claims. Under CHARGE ENTRY, click Manage Charge Entry Batches. Click view claims for the batch you need
Column Headings (under the show voided transactions & full audit History link) |
From |
The date this service began. |
To |
The date this service was completed. |
The type of service code (automatically determined from the CPT code). |
The place of service (automatically determined from the facility). |
The procedure code. |
D1 |
Which of the four diagnosis codes is the primary diagnosis for this service. |
D2 |
Which of the four diagnosis codes is the secondary diagnosis for this service. |
$/unit |
Per-unit charge for this charge line-item. |
U |
Number of units. |
FP |
Family Planning code; used for some Medicaid programs. |
Indicates that this line item is for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT). |
EMG indicator. CMS-1500 24I. |
C |
COB indicator. CMS-1500 24J. |
Column Headings for Charge History | |
type |
The type of transaction displayed (charge, payment, adjustment, transfer out, transfer in). |
reason/method |
The type of adjustment, the transfer reason, or the current kick reason.
created |
The date the transaction was created and the username of the person who created the claim. |
last modified/voided |
The date this transaction was last modified or voided. |
Ins1 |
Primary insurance amount of responsibility or transaction amount. |
Ins2 |
Secondary insurance amount of responsibility or transaction amount. |
patient |
Patient amount of responsibility or transaction amount. |
Column headings for Claim Notes | |
Date |
The date the action occurred. |
User |
The username of the person who took the action. AUTO indicates an automated system function. Usernames that belong to your practice appear in regular font, but athenahealth usernames are italicized. Perot users have the prefix "vhs" in front of their usernames. |
Action |
The action taken on the claim. Highlighting indicates a system-generated action.
Claim Status |
The status of the claim following this action. |
Kick/Scrub/Note |
A brief note describing the action, generally including a kick reason. Notes that appear here also appear under the Claim Notes section of the Claim Review, , View Claims for Charge Entry Batch, and the View Claim History pages.
For older claim notes, click [expand text] to see the text as it appeared when the rule fired on the claim.
Claim rules:
The following types of claim notes are the result of claim rules. Note: To override a review claim note, you must have the Claim Note Override: Review role or permission. To override an advice claim note, you must have the Claim Note Override: Advice role or permission.
Note: An override link may also appear when a "predictive rule" fires. A predictive rule is a type of claim advice that uses historical data in athenaOne to predict likely denials, so that you can adjust them off to zero before they appear in your denial work queues. Predictive rules cover Medical Necessity Denials and Benefits Coverage (charges expected to be denied for a benefit limitation or exclusion).
Kick codes:
Each payer has its own denial codes. athenaOne associates different payer denial codes to the athenahealth standard set of kick codes, which determines the appropriate next steps.
Note: When you add a claim note that sets a claim alarm, athenaOne displays the date of the alarm beneath the text of the claim note. The date appears as long as the claim alarm remains active. Claim alarms are reset every time a claim note puts a claim in — or LEAVES a claim in — BILLED status. When claim acknowledgment applies an EMCRCVD or PAYORRCVD claim note, the original alarm is cleared and a new one is set.
Claim Status Inquiry transactions:
Note: CSI transactions are supported for athenaCollector clients only. For more information about CSI, please refer to Claim Status Inquiry. |