Eligibility Summaries


This page allows you to verify a patient's insurance eligibility for numerous insurance plans and to check eligibility manually for payers that provide eligibility information electronically whenever the payer sends it to us via the ANSI standard transaction.


Important: This article refers to a legacy page for viewing patient eligibility information.


In the Summer 2023 Release, we rolled out an enhanced eligibility experience that consolidated multiple workflows into a simplified, comprehensive page — for details, see the Payer-Provided Eligibility Details O-help topic.


At this time, you can still use the legacy eligibility pages, if needed.

  • In Summer 2024, we're defaulting organizations to the new experience in waves.
  • In Fall 2024, we plan to remove the legacy Eligibility pages so everyone is using the new workflow — the new experience provides more information in fewer clicks and scrolls, which can improve not only user efficiency and satisfaction but also get your organization paid quicker.
  • We encourage you to try the new page and get comfortable using the new workflow.

We'll notify users before this legacy page is removed in Fall 2024.








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