Charge Overview
athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems
You can use this page to review, add, edit, and delete hospital charges entered in athenaOne. You can compare the charges on paper documentation or reports of clinical services rendered with the charges on the Charge Overview page. This helps ensure that all charges have been captured and entered for more complete claim creation.
You can filter the information by charge type, visit department, and date of service, and download to a CSV file.

On the Main Menu, click Ancillaries. Under Ancilliary Charges, click Charge Overview
On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page

You must be logged in to a department that uses athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems
For chart review for outpatient hospital visits, you must have the OP Chart Review feature enabled.
See also: User Roles and Permissions.

- Display the Charge Overview page: On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page.
- Charge Type — Select a charge type related to your department cost center.
- Visit Department — Select the department of service listed on the visit.
- Date of Service — Select the date you want to review charges for.
- Click Search Charges.

- Display the Charge Overview page: Click Go to Charge Overview on any of these pages:On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page. - Click Add Charges.
Additional fields appear:
Complete the charge entry fields
- Chg. Code — Select the charge code for this item.
- Description — This is populated automatically, based on the selected charge code.
- Lvl. of Care — athenaOne may populate this column automatically. If athenaOne cannot determine which level of care is correct, a menu may appear, so you can select the correct level.
- Rendering Prov. — Select the rendering provider for this charge.
- HCPCS — This is populated automatically, based on the selected charge code.
- QTY — If a medication charge has one NDC number, enter the dosage amount to the left of the unit of measure (for example, gram, milliliter, unit, or international unit). If a medication charge has multiple NDC numbers, select the NDC number in the drop-down list and then enter the dosage amount to the left of the unit of measure (for example, gram, milliliter, unit, or international unit). The Qty field is then updated automatically based on the charge entry information, for charge codes on the Formulary Management page with valid NDCs that are associated with a revenue code in the range of 0250-0259, 0262, or 0631-0637, or a HCPCS J code. If the Qty field information is not updated automatically, you must update these fields manually.Note: When editing medication charges, the NDC and Qty fields are not repopulated automatically if you clear the information.
- NDC — athenaOne populates the NDC field automatically when you enter medication charge codes on the Charge Overview page if the charge code is recorded on the Formulary Management page with a valid NDC, associated with a revenue code in the range of 0250-0259, 0262, or 0631-0637, or a HCPCS J code.
Note: If a medication charge has multiple NDC numbers, you must select the NDC number from the NDC drop-down list. - Click Done.
athenaOne saves the charge on the visit and the Charge Overview page.
Note: The charge may disappear from the Charge Overview page if it isn't included in your original filter selection. To view the charge, select new filter criteria to view the charge.

- Display the Charge Overview page: On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page. - Department — Select the department.
- filter criteria and click Search Charges.
- Click the edit icon
- Edit the fields as needed.
Note: You can edit the Lvl of Care field (level of care) only if it changes during a patient's stay. This is helpful if athenaOne doesn't reflect the change upon charge entry. - Click Done.

Tip: For pharmacy charges, you can access the MAR directly from the the Charge Overview page: On the Charge Overview page, click View MAR Information to open the MAR in a new tab.
- Display the Charge Overview page: On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page. - Enter filter criteria and click Filter Charges.
- Review the charges and make edits as needed.
- Check the box next to Reviewed.
The charges for that visit collapse.

- Display the Charge Overview page: On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page. - Enter filter criteria and click Search Charges.
- Click the delete icon
A window appears and asks you to confirm the deletion. - Click Ok.

- Display the Charge Overview page: On the Main
Menu, click Claims, and select Hospital Activity Summary. At the top of the page, under the page title, click Go to Charge Overview.
You can also click Go to Charge Overview on the Charges item of the Visit - Billing page or from the Charge Entry: Visit page. - Enter filter criteria and click Filter Charges.
- Review the charges and make edits as needed.
- Click Download to Excel.
The charge information downloads to a CSV file.

Charge type | Department cost centers |
Electrocardiography (EKG) | Electrocardiology |
Laboratory | Blood Storing, Processing, & Trans. |
Laboratory | |
Pharmacy | Drugs Charged to Patients |
Pharmacy | |
Radiology |
Computed Tomography (CT) Scan |
Electroencephalography | |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) | |
Radiology-Diagnostic | |
Radiology-Therapeutic | |
Radioisotope | |
Rehab Services | Occupational Therapy |
Physical Therapy | |
Speech Pathology | |
Respiratory Therapy | Respiratory Therapy |
Supplies | Implantable Devices Charged to Patients |
Medical Supplies Charged to Patients | |
Other |
Adults and Pediatrics (General Routine Care) Ambulance Services Anesthesiology Burn Intensive Care Unit Cardiac Catheterization Clinic Coronary Care Unit Dietary Emergency Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Home Health Agency Home Program Dialysis Hospice Intensive Care Unit Intravenous Therapy Labor Room and Delivery Room Nursery Observation Beds Operating Room Other General Service Other Long Term Care Recovery Room Renal Dialysis Rural Health Clinic (RHC) Skilled Nursing Facility Surgical Intensive Care Unit Whole Blood & Packed Red Blood Cells |