Pay for Performance Dashboard


athenaOne for Hospitals & Health Systems

The Pay for Performance (P4P) Dashboard is a tool in athenaClinicals that aggregates quality program enrollment and performance information.


Use the P4P Dashboard to view a summary of enrolled quality programs:

The P4P Dashboard may be used to view a summary of enrolled quality programs, enrolled providers, and count of measures. To view a list of enrolled measures, links are embedded that automatically load a report in the Quality Management report (QMR). Enrollment changes made on the Program Enrollment page may take a couple of hours to appear. Enrollment changes using other methods may take up to 48 hours.


Use the P4P Dashboard to view measure performance:

The P4P Dashboard can be used by providers, practice managers, and practice staff to monitor performance in enrolled Quality Programs by serving as a launching point for a performance report in the Quality Management report (QMR). These reports are generated by the athenaOne Quality Management Engine (QME) which is a rules engine that evaluates the most recent patient data on a nightly basis to determine if a quality measure has been met (satisfied) or not met (unsatisfied).


Note: You can use the eCQM Data page to preview your organization's quality data for the current year, as calculated from quality results for your athenaOne data and from imported QRDA I files. You can then export your quality report results in both QRDA I and QRDA III report formats.





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