UDS Reporting Overview — CPT Inclusions and Exclusions
athenaCollector + athenaClinicals
This is a topic that focuses on Uniform Data System (UDS) reporting. Use this topic to learn which CPT codes are included or excluded from the UDS report.

- UDS Reports (user guide)
- Run UDS Reports
- QA UDS Table 3A
- QA UDS Table 3B
- QA UDS Table Patients by Zip
- QA UDS Table 9D
- QA UDS Table 6A
- QA UDS Table 5
- QA UDS Table 5 – Selected Services Detail Addendum
- QA UDS Table 4
- UDS Table 4: Income as a Percentage of Poverty Guideline
- QA UDS Tables 7B and 7C
- QA UDS Table 7A
- QA UDS Table 6B
- UDS Provider Type Mapping
- UDS Reporting Overview — CPT Inclusions and Exclusions

athenaOne automatically determines UDS visit types based on procedure code and provider. You can see which procedure codes qualify a clinical encounter as a UDS visit in the attached CPT Inclusion-Exclusion List. Additionally, the QUALIFYING_CPTS column in the UDS Visit Inclusion report can help you to identify which visits are associated with, or are missing, qualifying CPT codes.
If you do not agree with the athena CPT code mapping, you can override the default classification of a procedure code using the UDS visit field in the fee schedule. This override will include or exclude all visits associated with that CPT code in your UDS reports including those related to quality reporting.
Please review Quick Reference – To update a procedure code for UDS reporting in O-help for additional details on how to complete the override. If you need assistance with troubleshooting if an example should be included or excluded please review How UDS Reporting Identifies a UDS Visit.
This topic has three tables to download for your review: